1Esty Wulandari,2 Sri Herwindya Baskara Wijaya
1,2Sebelas Maret State University, Surakarta, Indonesia
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Along with the rapid development of technology, the current use of social media by the community is also increasing. One of the social media that is currently on the rise is the TikTok application. TikTok application users come from various backgrounds and ages, including teenagers. Video-based TikTok features accompanied by music, writing, and pictures are considered attractive so that they are liked by teenagers as a means of showing their existence and self-disclosure. TikTok is also currently developing as a way to share information.
The theory applied by the researcher was Alman and Taylor's Social Penetration Theory. In addition to such theory, this paper are supported and strengthened by the concepts of Self-Disclosure, Social Media, Teenagers, TikTok, and also Self-Existence. This paper was a qualitative descritpive study which applied a qualitative study method. This paper involved several informants namely teenagers who were also the users of the TikTok application. The inclusion criteria here were teenagers who had a TikTok account, were active on TikTok, and used TikTok as part of their existence and self-disclosure.
The results of this study explored the process of self-disclosure and also the existence carried out by the informants in accordance with the stages proposed in the social penetration theory. Informants passed through the stages of self-disclosure sequentially from the orientation stage to the stable stage so that the existence of teenagers in presenting themselves on social media could be observed.
KEYWORDSSelf Disclosure, Teenagers, Social Media, TikTok
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