September 2021

The Improvement of Health Behavior: Collaboration among Health Information Access, Health Literacy and Health Empowerment Variable
1Niken Lastiti Veri Anggaini,2 Bambang Supriyono
1,2Department of Administrative Science, Faculty of Administrative Science, Brawijaya University, Malang 65145 Indonesia

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Health is an important factor affecting the development of a country. Everyone is aware of the importance of health for their productivity. However, the fact is that there are still many people who show unhealthy behaviors. There are several health problem in Indonesia. It is related to accessibility, capability, capacity and affordability. This study intends to look at and explain first, the influence of health information access to health literacy and health empowerment, second, the effect of health information access to health behaviour through health empowerment and health literacy as the mediation variables. The study was conducted in Blitar City Government, which is separated into three areas of administrative sub district. The sample used in this study amounted to 278 respondents. The length of time for this research is 6 month, November 2019-April 2020. Data analysis method used in this research is inferential statistical analysis using the structural equation modeling (SEM) GeSCA. The path coefficient of health information access to health empowerment of 0.382 stated that the level of health information access has a positive and significant effect on health empowerment. The path coefficient of health information access to health literacy of 0.093 stated that the health information access has a positive and significant effect on health literacy. Meanwhile, The path coefficient of health information access to health behaviour is -0.059. It stated that health information access has no significant effect on health behaviour. But, the effect becomes significant effect with the presence of health literacy and health empowerment as a mediating variable.


Health Literacy, Health Information Access, Mediating Variable, Health Empowerment, Functional Health Literacy, Health Behavior


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