Exploration of Human Resources (HR) Practices Based on Local Cultural Values in Cooperatives in Bali
1Ni Wayan Sitiari, 2Luh Kade Datrini,3 Ni Putu Rediatni Giri
1,2,3Universitas Warmadewa Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia
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The purpose of this study is to find out whether human resources (HR) practices in cooperatives in Bali have adopted Balinese cultural values. How Balinese cultural values are applied to HR practices in cooperatives in Bali has never been studied. The title of this research is Exploration of HR Practices Based on Local Cultural Values in cooperatives in Bali. The number of respondents 79 who are managers of cooperatives in Bali. The analytical technique used is statistical analysis techniques. The results of the study show HR practices in cooperatives in Bali have been implemented based on local Balinese cultural values with high criteria. It can be said that HR practices in cooperatives are in a strong category. The results of the identification of HR practices based on local culture which include (1) Dimensions of performance appraisal, (2) Dimensions of career development, (3) Dimensions of compensation, (4) Dimensions of training and development, (5) Dimensions of the selection process. Implementation of HR practices that are in accordance with Balinese Cultural Values, among others: HR practices contained in the concept of menyamabraya are reflected in the dimensions: performance appraisal, career development, and the selection process. HR practices contained in the concept taksu, namely in the selection and recruitment process, HR practices contained in the concept of jengah: Implemented in selecting and awarding compensation.
KEYWORDS:Human resource Practices, Bali local values (jengah, taksu, and menyamabraya)
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