1Mercy BANDA,2 Oscar ODIBOH,3 Thelma EKANEM, 4Tunji OYEDEPO
1,2,3,4Department of Mass Communication, Covenant University, Ota, Ogun state.
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This study examined citizens’ awareness of network marketing communication and its influence on hereditary consumption of herbal remedies. Two key objectives of the study was to investigate the citizens’ awareness of network marketing; and investigate the people’s assessment of the influence of marketing communication on their inherited consumption of herbal remedies. Consumer Perception Theory, Individual Differences Theory and Uses and Gratification Theory were combined to provide a wholesome platform for executing the research. A quantitative survey design using the questionnaire instrument was deployed in Alimosho and Ado-Odo Ota in Nigeria. Lusaka and Kabwe districts in Zambia. The two areas are metropolitan, industrial hubs; densely populated by people from different parts of the countries. 460 copies were distributed to a sample size relative to each country using the Taro Yamane formula. Purposive and random sampling techniques were used to select the countries, research locations within each country and the respondents. Designed questionnaire was applied successfully on 250 Nigerians and 196 Zambians. Results show a high awareness of network marketing communication of herbal remedies in both countries. A vast majority have consumed herbs at one time or the other without necessarily being influenced hereditarily. Nigerians and Zambians show more similarities than differences on the subject matter; prompting the recommendation of an African agency which would harvest and support the promotion of herbs in traditional Medicare.
KeywordsNetwork Marketing, Marketing Communication, Hereditary Consumption, Herbal Remedies
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