1Rahel Octora, 2P.Lindawaty S.Sewu,3 Jason Arnold Sugiono
1,2,3Law Faculty, Universitas Kristen Maranatha, Jln.Suria Sumantri 65-Bandung, Indonesia.
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Developments of technology brings out various types of digital financial innovations. Nowadays, we live in a cashless society, where transactions using cash money are minimized. Payments are currently made with electronic money, whether classified as e-money or e-wallet. This research focuses on the security issue of the e-wallet system, considering that there are still various cases of fraud in Indonesia, that result in the loss of the user's e-wallet balance. This research is a normative juridical research that uses secondary data in the form of primary legal materials, such as various relevant laws and regulations, and secondary legal materials (books and legal literature). The approach used are statutory approach and conceptual approach. Indonesian law has regulated the obligations of e-wallet providers to ensure the security system of user accounts. In the event of a cyber fraud case that results in a loss of balance, the provider plays a role in responding to consumer complaints, and providing explanations regarding the cause of the loss of balance. Cyber fraud perpetrators are criminally responsible based on violations of the Electronic Information Transaction Law.
KEYWORDS:E-Wallet, Security, Electronic System, Consumer, Cyber Fraud.
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