VOlUME 04 ISSUE 08 August 2021
1Geethanadani K,2Dr. Saradha Rajkumar
1Research Associate, School of Social Sciences and Languages, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai - 600127
2Professor, School of Social Sciences and Languages, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai – 600127
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The paper focuses on the most remarkable personality was and is seen in the dramas and plays on stages around the world, “The Jokers”. They had played a vital role, connecting the characters in a play and the audience with the play. Though they were portrayed differently in different traditions around the world, their sole purpose was to break the fourth wall in the theatre. Are they ‘witty fools or foolish wits’? is the question debated in the paper. Whatever they are called, they were inevitable as the purpose is to bring entertainment combined with wisdom. Knowledge and humour were their strong power they inherited which was making them special, hence some cultures worshiped them and feared too. Right from ancient period until now histories mark them as intelligent beings in courts and theatrical plays. Were they interpreted rightly or understood correctly? becomes a question unanswered. Their presence in the courts was a boon for some kings keeping them sane at certain situations, relieving their stress. The exploration here is were they doing the same in these plays or much more. Are the fools or jokers seen in the plays necessary? , comic relief they provide is a must or can be ignored to save time are the explorations made in this paper. The talents they possessed is also scrutinized in the paper to show what made them special in plays and courts and how they lived through periods in the minds of people.
KEYWORDSJesters, Fools, Buffoon, Tricksters, clowns, International Nasreddin Year, Comic- relief, stupidus, Medieval Christmastide, The bauble, Fools hat
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