August 2021

VOlUME 04 ISSUE 08 August 2021
Formation of Multiculturalism via Phraseology
1Oksana Chaika (Čajka),2Natalia Sharmanova,3Liudmyla Zakrenytska
1National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, 15, Heroyiv Oborony St., Kyiv 03041 Ukraine
2Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, 54, Haharin Avenue, Kryvyi Rih 50086, Ukraine
3Khmelnytsky Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy, 139, Proskurivskoho Pidpillia St., Khmelnytsky 29013, Ukraine

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The article considers aspects for formation, education, cultivation and fostering multiculturalism as opposed to polyculturalism in national and international classrooms, as well as in intercultural communication. The development of polycultural and multicultural aspects in the educational and life settings provides access to the study of language units, including the most presentable part of the universal cultural fund - the phraseological composition of national languages. Under the new approaches, both the areas seek to reveal the similarities and differences in the ways of how the language of culture gets absorbed into a language. The paper describes the main theoretical approaches to understanding the importance of multiculturalism in the light of intercultural communication and identifies cultural layers in the formation of mindsets (mentality) of the peoples globally and relevant linguistic representations (pictures) of the world by means of phraseology (idiomacy). The research findings underline the importance of phraseology (idiomacy) as an expression of national culture to present the translation aspect of the processes of poly- and/or multicultural communication in international classrooms. The languages used for the purposes of the study are Ukrainian, Russian, English, German, and French. A good number of dictionaries used allowed for samplings of populations as the research methodology. Given many aspects of analysis connected with formation of multiculturalism as opposed to polyculturalism, it is found that multicultural orientation in mastering phraseology aims mainly at diachronic and synchronous planes to identify cultural layers in the formation of linguistic (phraseological) representations / picture of the world. In the process of forming multiculturalism, such a phraseological layer as non-equivalent phraseology needs special attention. One of the most effective ways to master this type of phraseological units is the method of comparison, widely used for semantic analysis of phraseology, which is carried out by comparing its meaning with the lexical meaning of words of homonymous free combination. The effectiveness of semantization of phraseology unknown or incomprehensible to communicators is achieved by using similes and the method of comparison.


Multiculturalism, Polyculturalism, Polylingualism, Phraseology, Phraseme.


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VOlUME 04 ISSUE 08 August 2021

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