VOlUME 04 ISSUE 07 JULY 2021
Ines Rachmawati Pailalah
Master & Faculty of Law Study Program “Veteran” National Development University Jakarta
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Indonesia's natural wealth in the form of very wide waters so that the potential in it in the form of a wealth of aquatic ecosystems, both the wealth of flora and fauna in it poses a threat of illegal fishing. The crime prevention is carried out through 2 (two) efforts, namely penal efforts and non-penal efforts, namely: With the enactment of Law Number 45 of 2009 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 of 2004 concerning Fisheries, and other related laws and regulations. And Application, namely through the process of investigation, investigation, prosecution, and court. With the new legal umbrella, it is hoped that there will be strong coordination between institutions that have the authority to enforce law in the field of fisheries in order to achieve the ideals of the world maritime axis state and create protection for Indonesia's water rich ecosystems, as well as protection for Indonesian fishermen who depend on the fishery sector for their livelihood. to protect Indonesian waters from being exploited by fishermen from other countries because Indonesia's wealth must be fully utilized for the prosperity and welfare of the Indonesian people, giving other countries because Indonesia's wealth must be fully utilized for the prosperity and welfare of the Indonesian people. In the rules governing the authority given to investigators, namely Prosecutors, Police, Military, Bakamla, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries to sink/burn foreign-flagged vessels based on court decisions with permanent legal force as regulated in Law Number 45 of 2009 concerning Fisheries. This research is a normative legal research with the Statute Approach, Case Approach and Conceptual Approach. The results of this paper explain that the sinking/burning of a foreign-flagged ship by investigators is based on a court decision, aimed at safeguarding the sovereignty of Indonesian waters.
KeywordsJaksa; Ship sinking/burning; Illegal fishing.
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