VOlUME 04 ISSUE 07 JULY 2021
1Lukman Hakim, 2 Reza Praditya Yudha
1,2Gunadarma University
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This study aims to describe the implementation of anti-corruption education in Pancasila and Citizenship Education subjects through citizen project-based activities or learning. This research is a qualitative descriptive study conducted at SMAN 6 Tangerang Banten Regency in class 10 Social Studies. Sources of data in this study consisted of principals, vice principals in the field of curriculum, PPKn subject teachers and students. Technical analysis of the data in this study was conducted in three phases, with the way: classifying, reducing, and eliminating data that are not in accordance with the research objectives, then presented descriptively. As a result, the implementation of anti-corruption education is carried out through an assessment of problems related to corruption with a presentation panel consisting of 4 parts, namely the problem section, policy alternatives, the proposed settlement section, and the action plan section. Through these activities, students are expected to acquire the desired attitude such as honesty, caring, self-reliance, discipline, responsibility, hard work, humility, courage and justice.
KEYWORDS:anti-corruption education, Pancasila and citizenship education, project citizen.
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