VOlUME 04 ISSUE 07 JULY 2021
1Rizki Indra Permana, 2Imam Haryanto
1,2Faculty of Law. Univesritas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jakarta RS. Fatmawati Street, South Jakarta. 12450.
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In business development of the principal company many face problems in activities related to the management of its business so that it requires a business network in marketing its products. The creation of multi-level marketing distribution network regulated in Indonesian trade ministerial regulation No.66 of 2019. In the distribution of the principal's property until it reaches the hands of the consumer there is a tiered agreement that is the standard agreement that causes imbalance in the agreement triggered by the absence of clear regulations governing the provision and only based on the principle of freedom of contract Article 1320 KUHPer. The creation of this unnamed agreement (Inomminat) underlies the creation of a standard or standard agreement, with the reason of facilitating the principal in its distribution practices. Because this imbalance can cause legal problems, such as unilateral business termination experienced in the network of distribution of Gas ELPIJI agents to sub agents or others. The legal vacuum is far from the ideal of the law which essentially provides equality in the definition of fairness in the eyes of the law. The research uses Normative Juridical Method that emphasizes the theory of Legal Protection and Legal Certainty approach legislation (Statute Approach) and Case Approach ( Case Approach).
KeywordsKeywords- Principal, Law, Standard Agreement, Agency.
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Legislation :
1) Indonesia, Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 22 of 2001 concerning Oil and Gas.
2) Indonesia, Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection.
3) Indonesia, Regulation of the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia Number 66 of 2019 concerning General Provisions on Distribution of Goods.
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