VOlUME 04 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2021
1Regina S. Bayhon,2 Ma. Fe B. Belasoto, 3Arthur O. Buenavista, 4Gilda E. Deguma, 5Helen A. Gasapo, 6Shelly Joy S. Jungco, 7Kaye C. Jardenil,8 Fresan R. Magnate, 9June Rey S. Sulatra ,10Felicisimo V. Wenceslao, Jr
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 School of Education, Northern Iloilo Polytechnic State College, Estancia, Iloilo, Philippines
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This descriptive study aimed to track the employment status of GEP graduates of NIPSC through the use of a tracer study form the office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs of the College. The data were analysed using frequency counts and percentages. The study revealed that the GEP graduates were all employed, their status of employment were all permanent, they were receiving a monthly salary of Php20, 000 and above and their current jobs were related to their field of specialization regardless of program, sex, and age. Furthermore, 50% of the graduates of MAT program were supervisors, 8% were school heads, and 42% were classroom teachers. In the MAEd program, 34% were supervisors, 38% were school heads, and 28% were classroom teachers. As to the Ed.D program, 40% were supervisors, 50% were school heads and only 1% comprised the classroom teaching. The result suggests that the completion of their MAT, MAED, and EdD degree had been a great help to the graduates. It became an instrument for them to get promoted, to gain greater confidence, and feel secured of their tenure as teachers.
KEYWORDS:employment status, GEP graduates, degree program, sex, age
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