
VOlUME 04 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2021
Improving Classroom Interaction in Reading Classes for Students at Hanoi University of Home Affairs: An Action Research
Luu Thi Kim Que, M.A.
Ha Noi University of Home Affairs, Vietnam

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Classroom interaction is obviously of crucial significance to English language teaching and learning. Many language teachers and researchers have made great efforts to find out ways to create interactive classroom environment that involve both teachers and learners’ contributions during the whole process of teaching and learning. The study was conducted to explore classroom interaction in an English foreign language class. Questionnaire and classroom observation were used for data collecting. The results showed that the students participated more actively in reading lessons. Moreover, they developed a positive attitude towards classroom interaction and classroom interaction strategies. The findings demonstrated that increasing students’ motivation, designing interactive reading tasks, and applying appropriate techniques for classroom interaction facilitated and improved classroom interaction.


classroom interaction, cooperative learning, learning techniques


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VOlUME 04 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2021

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