VOlUME 04 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2021
1Syafaruddin,2Mesiono,3Aziddin Harahap
1,2UIN North Sumatra, Jln. IAIN No. 1 Sutomo Ujung Medan 20253, Indonesia
3Labuhanbatu University, Jln. Sisingamangaraja No.126 A KM 3.5 Aek Tapa, Bakaran Batu, Rantau Sel., Labuhan Batu Regency, North Sumatra 21418, Indonesia
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This research aims to analyze several things, namely: 1) analyze pthe policy procedure of the Head of the Education Office in increasing understanding of the Islamic Scriptures in the State Elementary School of South Labuhanbatu Regency. Then 2) analyze the implementation of the policy of the Head of the Education Office in increasing understanding of the Islamic holy book at the State Elementary School of South Labuhanbatu Regency. Furthermore, 3) analyzing the performance of the Head of the Education Office in increasing understanding of the Islamic holy book at the State Elementary School of South Labuhanbatu Regency.This research is qualitative. The process of extracting data holistically, either by means of in-depth interviews with a series of questions, observations in the form of observations, and collection of documents with the aim of obtaining correct and valid data.There are 3 (three) findings that became the result of this research, namely: 1) The procedure for formulating the policy of the Head of the Education Office in increasing understanding of the Islamic holy book, which is in accordance with PP. 55 of 2007 and Regional Regulation Number 10 of 2015 concerning Improved Understanding of the Holy Book of Islam in South Labuhanbatu for regional efforts through religious education in order to encourage local governments through religious education to create people who have noble character, have noble character, have basic knowledge and skills religious basis. 2) Implementation of the policy of the Head of the Education Office in increasing understanding of the Islamic holy book at the State Elementary School of South Labuhanbatu Regency starting in May 2018 by coordinating, monitoring and evaluating teachers. Al-Qur'an literacy educators consist of teachers who are graduates of Islamic Religious Education and those who are not from an Islamic education background with a record of being able to provide lessons to students and have a pesantren background with the approval of the Ministry of Religion office of South Labuanbatu Regency. Teachers who teach must comply with the syllabus provided by the Education Office of South Labuhanbatu Regency. 3) The Performance of the Head of the Education Office in Increasing Understanding of the Islamic Scriptures at the State Elementary School of South Labuhanbatu Regency by controlling the performance of educators in increasing understanding of the holy book and together with the respective school principals to supervise educators in improving the holy book of the Qur'an in South Labuhanbatu. Every month, educators receive an honorarium of Rp. 1,500,000 from the South Labuhanbatu Regency government and are given training every six months and all honorary teachers use the syllabus provided by the South Labuhanbatu Regency Education Office.
KEYWORDS:Policy, Head of Department of Education, Understanding, Scripture and Elementary School.
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