1Felicity Adusei-Bonsu, 2Irene Vanderpuye,3 Edward Kofi Ntim
1,2,3Department of Education and Psychology, University of Cape Coast, Ghana
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The study investigated teachers’ perception of the impact of instructional strategies on pupils with reading difficulties in selected districts in the Central Region of Ghana. A concurrent embedded mixed method design was used for this study. Proportionate stratified sampling procedure was used to select ninety-five (95) upper primary teachers for the study. The response rate was 100% representing 95 teachers. Data were collected using a questionnaire and interview schedules. Statistical tools used in data analysis were mainly frequency distribution and percentages, means and standard deviations and independent samples t-test, however, Braun and Clarke (2006) thematic analytic approach was used to analyse the qualitative data. The study revealed that Teachers had negative perceptions about pupils with reading difficulties. Also, role play, read aloud, direct instruction and group activities were the frequently used strategies teachers used in teaching pupils with reading difficulties. The study recommends that Ghana Education Service in collaboration with all the head teachers should organise a workshop on reading difficulty for teachers in the three districts. Further, the Ministry of Education through the Ghana Education Service should find means of providing resources to support teaching of reading in the schools in all the districts.
KEYWORDSStrategies, Read-aloud, Reading fluency, Comprehension, Reading difficulty.
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