1Herdian, 2Fifi Fatimah
1,2Psychology Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Indonesia
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This study aimed to describe the problems in parenting to the Millennial generations and the solutions done by their parents in Millennial caregiving. It was qualitative research. The informants of this research were families; fathers, mothers, and children in millennial generation age namely mothers and fathers as primary informants and children as secondary informants. Criteria of primary informants were mothers and fathers whose children were born between 1995 and 2010. Then the children were those who are closely attached to technology (mobile phones, tablets, computers, etc.). There are 4 mother as main informants. The data collection technique in this study was a semi-structured interview. The data were collected through voice recording devices using mobile phones and stationery. Data triangulation techniques were used as data credibility testing. the finding, it could be concluded that the parents found some problems in their millennial children who liked to play mobile phones, such as they become handphone addicted, difficult to control, lazy, and stubborn. Their lazy habit was started from the intensive use of mobile phones. They discovered many more interesting things from the virtual world than the real world. As a result, when the parents ordered them to do something, they were procrastination on the requests because they did not want to miss interesting things from their cell phones. Problems arising in care come from internal and external influences. The influences can be the guilt of the parents themselves, the last education achieved insight and knowledge. Lack of insight into technology becomes its obstacle. Parents who were low understanding of technology would find it difficult to keep up with parenting because it is the era for the parents to master it. On the contrary, the external influence comes from the environment and culture around the family. An active environment with technology forces children to follow the environment. Parents of the Millennial generation can make their children discipline in using cell phones in various ways namely, confiscating cell phones directly so that children get a strong deterrent effect and advising them wisely in using cell phones.
KEYWORDSParenting, Generation, Millennial Generation.
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