Putri Nur Azizah
Post graduate students, Faculty of Psychology, Ahmad Dahlan University
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Individual always experiences both pleasant and unpleasant events. Resilience is an individual's capacity to deal with unpleasant events, through developing ways to transform stressful circumstances into an opportunity for personal development. Increasing resilience is an important task to provide capacity in facing life's challenges and difficulties. This literature review aims to identify and provide an overview of the concept of resilience in adults. The research was conducted by reviewing research results published from 2008 to 2018 that obtained from Google Scholar and also several journal databases such as Science Direct, SAGE, and Elsevier. Data search was done using keywords, including resilience and adult. The concept of resilience consists of understanding, influencing factors, aspects or dimensions, scales to measure resilience and therapy or interventions to increase resilience.
KEYWORDSadults, individual capacity, resilience
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