1Jennifer Reyes, 2Lori Kupczynski , 3Angela Gibson, 4Sunddip Panesar-Aguilar
1Hillsborough College, FL
2,3,4Univeristy of St. Augustine for Health Sciences, St. Augustine, FL
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Nursing and nursing education have been surrounded by discussions of shortages for many years. The United States lacks qualified nurses to care for its aging and increasing acutely ill population. The lack of qualified nurses stems back to several issues, at the forefront, a lack of qualified nurse educators. Due to the demand for skilled and competent nursing faculty, schools of nursing have been utilizing bedside nurses to teach in the clinical setting. While many are experienced bedside nurses, they may not be formally prepared to teach students. Clinical adjunct nursing faculty are also unique because they may never step foot on a college or school of nursing campus, teaching exclusively at the clinical site. This can lead to feelings of stress and lack of support from the other faculty members. It may also make it difficult to help prepare and guide clinical adjunct faculty as they teach and encounter educational issues without proper training. Mentoring is routinely cited as valuable to new faculty transitioning to the education role. The purpose of this study was to explore a new trend in mentoring, virtual mentoring, and determine if it is of value to clinical adjunct nursing faculty. Guided by a basic qualitative research design, eleven clinical adjunct faculty who have experienced virtual mentoring were interviewed in order to gather their perspective of the process and formulate interventions that may enhance the virtual mentoring process for this faculty population.
KEYWORDSNursing education, nursing, mentoring, clinical adjunct nursing, virtual mentoring, higher education.
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