
The Effect of Creative Problem Solving Learning Models on Problem Solving Ability in Learning Motivation and Student Self-Efficacy View
1Nur Baity, 2Syaiful, 3Rer. Nat. Muhaimin
1, 2 Mathematics Education Department, Post Graduate, Universitas Jambi – Indonesia
3,Chemistry Education Department, Post Graduate, Universitas Jambi – Indonesia

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This study aims to determine; 1) the effect of using creative problem-solving learning models on mathematical problem-solving abilities, 2) the influence of learning motivation on mathematical problem-solving abilities, 3) the influence of students' self-efficacy on mathematical problem-solving abilities, 4) interactions between creative problem-solving learning models with students' learning motivation towards mathematical problem-solving abilities, 5) interaction between creative problem-solving learning models with self-efficacy on mathematical problem-solving abilities, 6) interactions between learning motivation and selfefficacy on mathematical problem-solving abilities and 7) interactions between models learning creative problem solving, learning motivation and self-efficacy together on mathematical problem-solving abilities. The method used in this research is an experimental research method. A sample of 70 students was taken using the cluster random sampling technique. The data analysis used was the three-way Anava technique and the follow-up test used a multiple comparison test. The results showed that: 1) creative problemsolving learning models more effectively influence problem-solving abilities than conventional learning models, 2) high learning motivation is more effective in influencing mathematical problem-solving abilities than moderate learning motivation and low learning motivation, 3) high self-efficacy more effective in influencing mathematical problem-solving abilities than moderate selfefficacy and low self-efficacy, 4) there is no effect of differences in learning models with learning motivation on mathematical problem-solving abilities, 5) there is no difference between learning models and self-efficacy on solving abilities problem, 6) high learning motivation with moderate self-efficacy most effectively affects mathematical problem-solving abilities, 7). Creative problem-solving learning model, high learning motivation with moderate self-efficacy most effectively affect mathematical problem-solving abilities.


Creative Problem Solving Learning Model, Learning Motivation, Self-efficacy


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