Dewi Ika Susilawati
Trisakti School Of Tourism, Jakarta, Indonesia
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The existence of the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the tourism industry, including the purchase of hotel and restaurant services. This study aims to determine the level of consumer confidence in purchasing decisions for hotel and restaurant tourism products. The research method used is descriptive quantitative with a questionnaire instrument and data collection techniques using questionnaires, interviews. The population used in this study is respondents who use hotel and restaurant services in Jabodetabek with various demographics of the work of trainers, consultants and practitioners, but preferably 90 people who are accustomed to using these services. The sample used is saturated sample, so that the entire population becomes a sample of 90 respondents. The results showed that the coefficient of determination or R Square was 0.766. that is, the variable under study explains 76.6% and the remaining 23.4% is explained by other variables not examined in this study. The results of the research on the level of consumer confidence in the decision to purchase hotel and restaurant products during the Covid 19 pandemic, obtained a determination coefficient value of 76.6%. It can be concluded that the level of consumer confidence in purchasing decisions during the Covid 19 period. Consumers who decide to purchase hotel and restaurant tourism products for the purpose of work, travel, and refreshing or traveling. The purpose of purchasing hotel tourism products is dominant with the aim of West Java as much as 27%. Meanwhile, the destination for purchasing restaurant tourism products is dominant in the Jakarta area as much as 33%. Hotel and restaurant service providers continue to use the application of health protocols.
KEYWORDSlevel of trust, purchase decisions, hotels, restaurants
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