
Religiusity Effect on Retirees Customer Decisions in the Take over From Conventional Banks to Islamic Banks: Study at Gorontalo City - Indonesia
1Fara Fadilah Hiyoda, 2Muhdar HM,3 Sofhian
1,Postgraduate, IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo, Indonesia.
2,3 Faculty of Economics Islamics and Business, IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo, Indonesia.

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The phenomenon of taking over financing from conventional banks to Islamic banks carried out by retired customers in Gorontalo City is so large and the majority of the population is Muslim or a religious community making this issue important to research with the aim of knowing and examining the effect of religiosity on retirees customer decisions in taking over from conventional banks to Islamic banks in Gorontalo City. This type of research is a quantitative study with a sample size of 199. Questionnaires were distributed to respondents using multi-stage sampling techniques (proportional and accidental sampling). The results of this study indicate that religiosity has a positive and significant effect on retired customers' decisions to take over from conventional banks (BRI, BTPN, Bank Sulut, Bank Mandiri Taspen) to Islamic banks (Bank Syariah Mandiri [BSM]) in Gorontalo City. For this reason, it is recommended that Islamic financial institutions take advantage of the tendency of customers to switch to Islamic Banks by increasing public understanding through promotion of the importance of financing as a usury-free product, services remaining competitive with conventional financial institutions, and improving human resource quality.


Religiosity, Customer Decision, Take Over


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