Oksana Chaika (Čajka), PhD
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, 15, Heroyiv Oborony St., Kyiv 03041, Ukraine
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The present paper is work in progress and closely relates to the earlier introduced idea of monomials and polynomials as substitutes of the term in linguistics when applicable to terminologies, or languages for specific purposes (LSPs). It looks deeper into the investigation of monomials as mono-term (one component), bi-term (two component) and multi-term (three and more components) terms in Ukrainian for Audit and Accounting selected as a sample language from the Slavic language family.
The paper will start with the aim and objectives of the work to be followed by a brief overview of the term “monomial”. Section I will move to the material of the study, methods of investigation and literature review. Then it will also explain the differences among simple monomials, simplified monomials, and those compound and complex in the specified terminology in the Ukrainian language. Section II – Results and Discussion, will follow a number of classifications employable for simplified monomials in Ukrainian for Audit and Accounting and present the main findings according to the relevant classifications. Conclusion and References will end up the paper and request for constructive feedback and reasonable critique.
KEYWORDSmonomial, simple monomial, simplified monomial, nounal simplified monomials, Ukrainian for Audit and Accounting (Ukrainian for A&A).
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