1Nur Julianto, 2Triana Rejekiningsih, 3Muhammad Akhyar
1,2,3Postgraduate Program, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia
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This study aims to evaluate learning media on mathematical literacy towards the achievement of logical thinking skills and determine strategies to build students’ logical thinking skills. The subject in this study were 79 fifth-grade primary school students in Surakarta and Boyolali. The data in this study is quantitative data and qualitative data. The instrument used to collect quantitative data was a mathematical literacy test consisting of five aspects of logical thinking skills that are understanding, planning, determining, solving, and conclusion. The instrument used to collect qualitative data was the scientific journal. The results showed that percentage achievement of students’ logical thinking skills in solving mathematical literacy is understanding (55,82%), planning (51,08%), determining (47,85%), solving (41,52%), and conclusion (31,14%). The data shows that learning media in elementary school could not be building students’ logical thinking skills. One strategy which can be used to build students’ logical thinking skills is through mobile learning integrated ethnomathematics.
KEYWORDS:Ethnomathematics, Learning Media, Logical thinking skill, Mathematical Literacy, Mobile Learning Media
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