1Wahyuni, 2Abdul Razak
1,2Master of Biology Education, Padang State University, Padang, Indonesia
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This research aims to find out the influence of react learning model on critical thinking skills and creativity skills of millennial high school students 6 Kerinci. This type of research is (quasi-expriment) research with the One Group Pretest-Posttest Design model. The study consisted of two classes: a control class and an experimental class. Before the learning process, the activity of reading the Qur'an and its translation related to student learning motivation. In the experimental class was given the treatment of react plus learning model (innovation, effectiveness of time and teacher as facilitator) and control classes using conventional learning models (lectures). The results showed (1) The value of critical thinking skills of students taught with the REACT model is higher than the critical thinking skills of students taught with conventional learning models in class X MIPA State High School 6 Kerinci. (2) Student learning creativity skills taught with react model are more effective than student learning creativity skills taught with conventional learning models in class X MIPA State High School 6 Kerinci.
KEYWORDS:REACT Learning Model, Critical Thinking Skills, Creativity Skills, Millenial Students
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