Rahmadya Putra Nugraha S
Mercu Buana University, Jakarta, Indonesia
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This research intended to comprehend the virtual self-image formation process by adolescents and the factors that could support self-image formation on Instagram social media. The subjects from this research were late adolescents who used Instagram actively. The research method used was a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. Then, the primary technique used in this research was a semi-structured interview technique.
The result obtained indicated that the respondents wanted to show content that was considered interesting enough to be seen by others by showing things that the respondents thought became the strengths they had. The respondents were also pleased if they got positive comments on every shared content; it made the respondents respond back to the comments given. The personal branding done by the respondents on Instagram made an increasing existence of each respondent’s self and added the confidence to upload content on Instagram.
According to the research results, it can be concluded that the respondents can fulfill aspects of self-image, i.e., appearance, behavior/attitude, mindset and emotional, overall personality, self-confidence, and self-representation, by displaying a positive image in each shared content. As for the factors that influence the self-image-building process consist of experience, exposure, education, environment, and use frequency.
KEYWORDS:self-image, virtual, adolescent, Instagram.
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