1Le Thai Phong, 2Nguyen Thi Hanh, 3Luu Tien Dat,4Nguyen Tran Hoang
1Foreign Trade University, Hanoi, Vietnam
2lecturer at Faculty of Business Administration, Foreign Trade University, Hanoi, Vietnam
3Postgraduate Office, University of Economics and Business, Hanoi National University, Vietnam
4Advanced Programme, International Business Management, Foreign Trade University, Vietnam
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The collaboration between universities and industry is trending these days thanks to the myriad of benefits that it brings to both parties involved. The impact of this cooperation allows both companies and universities to rely on each other in terms of creating mutual value over time. This paper will discuss the actual reality of this interdependent relationship based on the statistics collected from a research survey, as well as its standing in the role of supporting lifelong learning towards university lecturers. The popularity of university-industry collaboration has provided undeniable advantages to both the academics and companies. However, to aim for a more sustainable development, a clear mechanism and expansion to support society and lecturers’ lifelong learning is much needed. Incorporating lifelong learning of lecturers is a challenge and necessity for lecturers, in order to enhance their professionalism, update and deepen their knowledge through professional development. Within the scope of this article, based on an overview of the content of the cooperation between enterprises and universities related to lifelong learning of lecturers, the authors draw a number of lessons to promote university- industry relationships, while improving lifelong learning for lecturers.
KEYWORDS:University-industry linkage, collaboration, lifelong learning, university lecturer
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