1Nurlina, 2Wakit Abdullah Rais ,3 Sumarlam
1,2,3Department of Program of Linguistics Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia
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Ethnolinguistics is the study of the relationship between language facts and cultural facts. Ethnolinguistics is theoretically known as linguistic anthropology or anthropological linguistics (Duranti, 1997:1). The geographical location in this study is a group of Orang Rimba who still maintain the tradition of livelihood that is taking honey (Nyialong). This area locates in Air Hitam subdistrict, Sarolangun district of Jambi Province. In addition, the food needs of the Orang Rimba come from forest products, namely climbing sialang (Nyialong), hunting, and fruits. Other forest products are used for commercial purposes and are the livelihood of the Orang Rimba. The study aims to describe the cultural meaning of the Nyialong tradition found in the Taman Nasional Bukit Duabelas (TNBD) Jambi. Nyialong tradition is done ny Orang Rimba in Taman Nasional Bukit Duableas as annual season (petahuon). The tradition is held by Orang Rimba especially Piawang and dukun.The study is qualitative descriptive that uses an ethnolinguistics approach by utilizing the ethnographic method. The data in this study is a verbal and non-verbal expression reflected in Nyialong tradition. The data source in this study comes from the informants and the events of the tradition. Data collection methods use interview and observation methods. The result of the investigations in the form of Cultural values in the Nyialong tradition include nature, human relationship with human, and human with God. Nyialong tradition also has a symbolic meaning as a form (1) of the offering of the god rapa, the god hariamau to beg for salvation to climb sialang (2) as an intermediary to ask for salvation to god Alah, (3) as a symbol of maintaining the sustainability of the forest of the Orang Rimba Jambi.
KEYWORDS:cultural meaning, Nyialong tradition, local wisdom, ethnolinguistic, Orang Rimba
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