1Abdulrhman Saleh Alamoudi,1Mariam Salim Batarfi, 1Fatima Mohmmed Fadaq,1 Maher Ali Bawafed
1Safa Salah Almarfadi, 1,2Rasha Saeed Badurais
1English Language Department, College of Arts, Hadhramout University, Mukalla,Hadhramout, Yemen.
2English Language Studies, School of Humanities, USM, Penang, Malaysia.
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Studying the implications of literary language is an interesting field of study as its focal analyses are the sophisticated linguistic features used consciously or unconsciously by the authors. Concerning the focus of this paper, the talent of Jane Austen is evident in the domain of literary linguistics. Reviewing the previous literature proves excessive scrutiny of the chief young couples, namely Elizabeth and Darcy. Given that, the present article sheds light on the conversations between the old couple in Pride and Prejudice; Mr. and Mrs. Bennet from a pragmatic perspective. The analysis focuses on the very first conversation between the couple as being representative of their relationship. This analysis employs two major pragmatic concepts: the various types of Austin's speech acts as defined by Cutting (2002) and Grice's maxims (1975). Of the thirty-one utterances analyzed in the targeted conversation, 20 are by Mrs. Bennet and 11 by Mr. Bennet. Mrs. Bennet's most frequent speech act is the representative whereas that of Mr. Bennet is the directive. Both violate the maxims, but Mrs. Bennet violates that of quantity as being talkative, unlike Mr. Bennet who violates quality and relation maxims. These analyses demonstrate the misunderstanding and deep psychological gap between Mr. and Mrs. Bennet inferred through their linguistic exchange.
KEYWORDS:Conversational implicature, Grice's maxims, Jane Austen, Mr. and Mrs. Bennet, Pride and Prejudice, speech act theory
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