Review and Discussion of Learning Strategies of Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition
Dr. Bachiri Housseine
Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Sciences and Technologies (FSTT) at Abdelmalek Essaâdi University in Tangier

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Learning second language (L2) vocabulary can be a challenge for L2 students. As researchers and TEFL practitioners, we perpetually strive to seek ways to help our students with necessary linguistic tools to be ultimately both productive and resourceful. Moroccan EFL students in L2 are able to use learning strategies, which are valued in the school system, in order to, among other things, expand their vocabulary knowledge for the purpose of being able to communicate verbally and non-verbally. It is complex, however, to determine to what extent these strategies are used. In fact, very few studies have emphasized vocabulary learning strategies. Therefore, this study is of interest to Moroccan university students so as to determine which strategies to use, how often, and whether their use has an impact on students’ vocabulary growth.


Vocabulary, Second language acquisition, Lexical information, Receptive and productive knowledge, Learning strategies, EF Learners


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