1Imam Maladi, 2Asmuni
1,2Universitas Hang Tuah Surabaya
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The role of Police of the Republic of Indonesia in enforcing discipline among the community is very significant, especially the role of Traffic Police (SATLANTAS) in providing education to people who drive, use public transportation to access the public facilities and so on. However, people who want to be protected cannot accept the funeral of Covid-19 in their local cemeteries, by resisting police officers. So in this case, POLRI (the Police of the Republic of Indonesia) and especially the traffic polices play a significant role in facing the community. There is a need for legal protection for the efforts that the police will take in both preventive and repressive efforts. The purpose of this study is to analyze the Legal Aspects of traffic police action as a Covid-19 transmission chain breaker. The method used in this research is a normative juridical research method, which is research that focuses on examining the application of rules or norms in positive law. The purpose of this study is to analyze the legal aspects of traffic police action as a covid-19 chain breaker. This research is expected to provide information to the reader about the legal aspects of traffic police action as a Covid-19 chain breaker and a form of legal protection for traffic police who have a duty to break the covid-19 chain breaker. As for the results of this research, every action taken by the police, especially the traffic police during a pandemic to the public has a legal basis, namely Law Number 2 of 2002 on Police of the republic of Indonesia , Article 3 of Law Number 22 of 2009 traffic and road transport other the police also have a right to be protected like a civil society because they have the rights as stated in Article 28 of the 1945 Constitution and Article 10 of article number 8 of 2009 on the implementation of human rights principles and standards in the performance of the duties of the state police of the republic of Indonesia. So that for policyholders to be able to provide more strict regulations, and informative for the public and police officers can realize a common goal. It is hoped that no more similar cases will occur so that the public can better understand the rules in force in the Prevention of Covid-19 Transmission in Indonesia and the public can act more wisely in dealing with it.
KEYWORDS:legal aspects, police action, traffic police, covid-19 transmission
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