The Effect of Agile Leadership and Work Environment to Employees’ Performance in a VUCA World (Study on Millennial Generation Employees in Jabodetabek)
Lulu Setiawati
Matana University, Jl. CBD Barat Kav.1, Gading Serpong, Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia

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The uncertainty situation that happened lately, especially these last two years, has forced all organizations to adapt and change fast. The ability of leaders to be more agile in doing the changes is needed. The changes needed not only to give new directions for the organization, but also to improve employees’ performance especially the millennials. Furthermore, work environment is also a factor that determine how millennial employees’ performance performed in organization. This research aims to analyze the agile leadership style and work environment will affect millennial employees’ performance in a VUCA World that filled with volatility and uncertainty. The population for this research is millennial generation employees at Jabodetabek dan the sample selection was done using Hair Method. This paper was using PLS as the method for data analysis. The result showed that there was positive and significant influence for agile leadership and work environment to performance of millennial employees.


Agile Leadership, Work Environment, Employees’ Performance, VUCA


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