Oksana Chaika (Čajka)
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, 15, Heroyiv Oborony St., Kyiv 03041, Ukraine
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The contemporary world is subject to waves of highly rated turbulences and demand volatility in the market of educational services. In the recent decades, Ukraine as a developing state has witnessed varied response from educators, students, observers, bloggers as to the content and quality of education. The paper aims to elaborate the surface scratching recommendations for the development of an educational policy, which may be eligible for adoption at universities, endorsing modernisation of content and structure of higher education inside and outside Ukraine by means of developing, growing and applying coaching mind-set for teaching and learning processes. First, this refers to growing efficiency in communication models by foreign language (FL) teachers (irrespective of the field) and foreign language instructors (teaching foreign languages, languages for specific purposes in foreign languages, and translation) in giving lectures and moderating polycultural and polylingual classes. Second, it links to fostering culturological, axiological, intercommunicative values for polycultural communication in various languages, if applicable, between the teacher and the student and vice versa, the teacher and the teacher, the student and the student, etc. Team coaching may be treated one of the fastest growing disciplines in the coaching profession; and for the higher education, it is becoming increasingly important Team coaching competencies as hard skill of a modern FL / LSP teacher may enable a U-turn in the educational market as viewed in the light of demotivated students, losing interest in an academic degree, or gaining qualifications within the university walls. Team coaching defined as partnering in a co-creative and reflective process with a team (class) on its dynamics and relationships in a way that inspires them to maximize their abilities and potential in order to reach their common purpose and shared goals, may well fit into class instruction of the modern era.
KEYWORDSTeam Coaching Competencies, Foreign Language Instruction, Foreign Language (FL), Translation, Polycultural and Polylingual Classes, Quality Education.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35774/visnyk2020.02.135.