The Position of Military Justice to the Indonesian Judiciary System
1Budi Pramono,2 Asmuni
1,2Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Hang Tuah University, Surabaya, Indonesia

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The main problem in this paper is how the position of military justice in the Indonesian judicial system with the issuance of Article 3 paragraph (4) Letter (a) of MPR Decree Number: VII / MPR / 2000, which explains that Indonesian National Military submit to the power of military justice in cases of lawlessness. military and submit to the general court for violations of general criminal law. This research is a type of juridical normative research that bases positive legal norms using statutory, conceptual and comparative approaches. The position of Military Justice in the Indonesian judicial system is part of the judicial power which has a strong and unquestionable position, because it is not against the constitution and is still in the corridor of the legal system in Indonesia, which is stated in Article 24 Paragraph (2) of the Fourth Amendment of the 1945 Indonesian Constitution as the constitution. state, and more emphasized in Article 18 of Law Number 48 of 2009 concerning Judicial Power.


Military Justice, Judicial power, Indonesian National Military.


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