1Bankole Emmanuel Temitope, 2Ajayi Olubukola, 3Arowosegbe Christianah Kehinde
1,2,3Department of psychology & Behavioural Studies Faculty of the social sciences, Ekiti State University, Ado Ekiti, Nigeria
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This study investigated the influence of organizational based self-esteem on assertive behaviour among government workers in Ekiti State. The study made use of a total number of one hundred and ninety-six (196) participants across government organizations in Ekiti State who were randomly selected. The sample comprised of Male 115 (58.7%) and Female 81 (41.3%). Organizational based self-esteem (OBSE) was measured with a 10-item survey developed by Pierce, Gardner, and Dunham (1989). Rathus Assertiveness Schedule (RAS) was used to measure assertiveness. Three hypothesis were formulated and tested in the study and results shows that there is no significant influence of organizational based self-esteem on assertiveness t(194)=-.717,p>.05, there is no significant influence of sex on assertiveness t(194)=.694,p>.05. Finally, there is no significant age difference on assertiveness t(194)=.694,p>.05. Findings were discussed and it was recommended that assertiveness training or other such techniques may be given to the non-assertive employees to build their self-concept and self-esteem and a longitudinal study may be conducted on large sample to assess the effects of assertive training on assertive behaviour and self-esteem with comparison of the different interventional strategies.
KEYWORDSOrganisation, Self-Esteem, Assertive behaviour, Government workers, Ekiti, Nigeria.
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