The Peculiarities of the Disciplinary Responsibility of Judges in the Administration of Justice
Tаkhirjon Baxodirovich Safarov
Independent researcher, Prosecutor General’s Academy

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This article researches the issue of disciplinary responsibility of judges as a type of legal liability and its legal basis. It also provides a comparative analysis of the concept of disciplinary responsibility of judges and the views of scholars who have interpreted the content of this concept. The concept of disciplinary offenses of judges, its composition and differences from administrative offenses are discussed. Advanced foreign experience in disciplinary proceedings against judges has been studied. The article analyzes the problems in practice in the field of disciplinary liability of judges and makes recommendations for its improvement.


legal liability of judges, disciplinary liability of judges, disciplinary responsibility, disciplinary offense, composition of disciplinary offense, legal basis of disciplinary liability of judges.


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18) See Recommendations CM/Rec(2010)12 of the Committee of Ministers to Member States on Judges: Independence, Efficiency and Responsibilities (adopted by the Committee of Ministers on November 17, 2010 at the 1098th meeting of Deputy Ministers), paragraph 69. Also see the European Charter on the Status of Judges (Strasbourg, July 8-10, 1998), adopted by the European Association of Judges and published by the Council of Europe, [DAJ/DOC (98)23], paragraph 5.1.

19) Recommendation CM/Rec(2010)12 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on judges:independence, efficiency and responsibilities

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21) ENCJ: Development of Minimum Judicial Standards III - Minimum standards in relation to the assessment of professional activity and the irremovability of the judiciary, Report 2012-2013, p. 20

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23) ENCJ: Minimum Judicial Standards V - Disciplinary Proceedings and Responsibility of Judges, Report 2014-2015, pp. 33-34.

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25) Conclusion of the Venice Commission CDL-AD (2015)042, 21 December 2015.

26) The regulation “On the procedure for conducting service inspections in relation to judges”, approved by the resolution of the Supreme Council of judges of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 1, 2018 № SOKQ-541-III.

27) Sections 129, 134-135 of the Austrian law “On the activities of judges and prosecutors”; article 313 of the Bulgarian law “on the judicial system”.

28) Article 33 of the law of Albania “On the establishment and activities of the Supreme Council of Justice”.

29) Opinion of the Advisory Council of European Judges (CCJ) No. 3 (19) on the principles and rules governing the professional conduct of judges, in particular, ethical standards, conduct incompatible with duty and impartiality, November 19, 2002, paragraphs 72 and 77 (v).


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