Mohammad Ahmed Hammad
Special Education department, Faculty of Education, Najran University, Saudi Arabia
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The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) crisis has affected Saudi women's daily lifestyle, contributing significantly to increasing pressure on women to have multiple roles both at home and at work. The study therefore aimed to identify the role of women towards their children with disabilities during the COVID-19 epidemic crisis by identifying their roles towards their children with disabilities in the educational, psychological and social aspect. The study used the quantitative approach (social survey). The sample of the study consisted of (336) Saudi mothers of children with disabilities in the southern region of Saudi Arabia with an average age of (35.8) years. A questionnaire was built to identify the role of Saudi women towards their disabled children during the crisis and was developed by the researcher. The results indicated that the role of Saudi women towards their disabled children during the COVID-19 epidemic crisis was of a high level in all areas of practice for the tool. The analysis of the data to answer the main question in the study also revealed the importance of the educational, psychological and social role of Saudi women towards their children with disabilities during the COVID-19 epidemic crisis within the family. In light of these findings, the study recommended the importance of urging responsible people to provide a range of rescue and stimulus packages that also include social protection measures, seeking to empower Saudi women in all sectors of society, and providing them with all means of support to help them achieve their role in society in general.
KEYWORDSCOVID-19, Crisis, Mothers, disabled, Saudi Arabia
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