A Systematic Review of Open Space Implementation in Nigeria
1Daodu, Sunday Afeosemobo,2 Sapura Mohamad,3 Zanariah Jasmani
1,2,3Department of Landscaping Architecture, Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, Universiti Technology, Malaysia

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The rapid increase in population in conjunction with increase in the rate of Urbanization had led to Unplanned and uncontrolled encroachment into our public open spaces in Nigeria. In the light of the above, numerous studies in relation to open space implementation in Nigeria have been studied. In spite of the numerous research efforts, open space implementation has not received a corresponding boost. This study reviewed open space implementation in Nigeria based on a systematic literature review of published works as contained in Scopus, Web of Science and Science Direct Online databases between March 2021 to October 2021. The review was selected from the six-Geopolitical zones of Nigeria and the findings revealed that there is weak monitoring and evaluation mechanism, and lack of inclusive participation by professionals in the built environment this calls for a need of adequate open space implementation model in Nigeria.


Open space, Implementation, Urbanization, open space planning, Nigeria.


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