Impact of Tourism Decrease Due To Pandemic on the Performance and Sustainability of MSMEs in Denpasar City
1Ida Ayu Agung Idawati,2 I Gede Surya Pratama,3 Putu Budi Anggiriawan
1,2,3Faculty of Economics and Business, Warmadewa University, Denpasar, Indonesia

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The COVID-19 pandemic is a global pandemic that affects all aspects of world society. Indonesia as a tourism destination has been significantly affected by this pandemic. The number of tourist visits to Bali has decreased quite drastically and has an impact on MSMEs. The main objectives of our study are to analyze the influence or impact of tourism decline due to covid- 19 on the performance and sustainability of MSMEs in Denpasar City. The research sample was 100 MSMEs with the method of determining the sample, namely simple random sampling. Structural equation model based on partial least square is used to analyze data. The results showed that there was a significant influence between the decline in tourism on the performance and sustainability of MSMEs in Denpasar City. The implication of the results of this study is that MSME actors cannot avoid the impact of the decline in tourism. However, MSMEs must continue to strive to improve their performance and maintain their sustainability. For this reason, government attention and policies are needed for the affected MSME sector.


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