Rule-Based Leadership-Management Style of Administrators and the Entrepreneurial Spirit of Employees
1Damianus Abun, PhD, 2Theogenia Magallanes, EdD, 3Artemio, P. Seatriz, EdD,
4George B.Raciles, MBA, 5Nathanael Flores, EdD
1Professor, School of Business, Divine Word College of Laoag, Ilocos, Philippines.
2President, Saint Benedict College of the Northern Luzon, Ilocos Sur, Philippines.
3Professor, School of Arts, Sciences and Education, Divine Word College of Laoag, Ilocos Norte, Philippines.
4Program Head, School of Business, Divine Word College of Laoag, Ilocos Norte, Philippines.
5Dean, School of Religious Education, Saint Benedict College of Northern Luzon, Ilocos Sur, Philippines.
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The study aimed to determine the influence of rule-based leadership management toward the entrepreneurial spirit of the employees of the Divine Word College of Laoag. To deepen the understanding and concept of the study, literature was reviewed. Theories of the study were established. The study used the descriptive correlational research design and used questionnaires to gather the data. The study found that rule-based leadership management of the administrators is high but the entrepreneurial spirit of the employees is moderate. The study concludes that the higher the bureaucratic or rules-based leadership- management is, the lower the entrepreneurial spirit of the employees become. In terms of the correlation between rule-based leadership management and entrepreneurial spirit, the study found that there is a significant correlation. Rule-based leadership management affects the entrepreneurial spirit/mindset of employees. Therefore the hypothesis of the study is accepted.
KeywordsRule-based, bureaucratic, entrepreneurial spirit, risk-taking, innovation
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