1Maikel Paulbers Mawei, 2 Lexi Lumingkewas,3Goinpeace Tumbel
1Student of State Administration Master Program, Manado State University, Indonesia
2,3Lecturer of State Administration Study Program, Faculty of Social Sciences, Manado State University, Indonesia
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This study aims to determine the implementation of the function of the Consultative Agency (BPD) in Sendangan 1 Village, Sonder District, Minahasa Regency, this study uses qualitative research methods. The results of the existing research indicate that: 1) Implementors in the village of Sendangan Satu do not yet know in detail the process of discussing and determining the draft village regulations following applicable regulations. 2) The draft village regulations that have been discussed and agreed to date have not yet been established as village regulations. 3) The community's aspirations have been accommodated by the BPD but not all of the community's aspirations have been followed up. 4) The place of implementation of the distribution of public aspirations is not following regulations because it is still carried out flexibly. 5) BPD and Government Officials do not know specifically the stages in the process of channelling public aspirations. 6) The supervision carried out by the BPD on the performance of the Village Head has not been thoroughly implemented. Three factors hinder the implementation of the BPD function in Sendangan 1 Village, namely standards and objectives, communication, and also the disposition of the implementer. For the advice given, implementers should understand in detail the process of discussing and agreeing on draft regulations that are following regulations, draft village regulations must be immediately set into Village Regulations by implementers so that this policy can run properly and correctly, and supervision of the performance of the Village Head must further improve.
KeywordsFunction, BPD, Village Government
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