Dr. Demetris Hadjicharalambous
Lecturer, Psychology and Social Sciences Department, Frederick University, Cyprus
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The present study aims to examine the influence of father’s and mother’s demographic characteristics in positive and negative parenting practices. Research sample consisted of 480 married parents who had children in the public primary school 6 – 12 years old. 68% of parents resided in urban areas, 75% were mothers, 72% had one or two children, 65% of parents were higher educated and 70% of parents had medium and high family income. Parents completed Alabama Parenting Questionnaire which refers to positive and negative parenting practices that parents adopt to raise their children. Research findings showed that parents’ gender, age, family income, residence, educational level and the number of children in the family and children’ gender are factors that affected parents’ effectiveness. Results indicated that mothers were more involved in their children lives and applied more positive parenting practices than fathers. Also, parent’s educational level, family income and parents’ residence were a significand’s factors in parenting practices. Findings reveal that higher educated parents, parents with higher family income, parents who lived in urban areas, parents who raised a girl and parents who have one or two children were more involved in their parental role, applied more positive parenting disciplines, they provided more mentoring / supervision to their children, used less corporal punishment and applied more other parenting techniques & disciplines (except corporal punishment) to their children. Furthermore, younger mothers seem to used more inconsistent and negative discipline and corporal punishment to their children than older mother. Results from this study can be used to design and implement parenting training programs to support and enchase parental role.
KEYWORDScorporal punishment, inconsistent and negative discipline, parental involvement, parenting practices, positive parenting disciplines.
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