Abayomi Abidakun
College of Management and Technology, Walden University, Minnesota
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This study examined leadership and non-financial performance at the brewery industry in Nigeria. The study used cross-sectional survey research design to survey 736 senior and junior employees of the company. The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire, job satisfaction scale, three-component commitment scale, and turnover intention scale was adopted to collect data. The participants were recruited through Survey Monkey. Stratified sampling was adopted to ensure representative sample. Three hypotheses were tested using Pearson’s correlation and hierarchical regression analysis. Findings of the study revealed that the three leadership styles are positively correlated with job satisfaction, and employee commitment. Also the three leadership style are negatively and statistical correlated with turnover intention. Cadre of employee (senior or junior employee) is a significant predictor of employee job satisfaction and commitment. Both age and years of experience on the job are significant predictor of employee turnover intention. On the basis of the aforementioned findings, this study concluded that the adoption of effective leadership style is critical to job satisfaction, employee commitment and turnover intention. It is recommended that leaders should adopt effective leadership style to foster employee job satisfaction and commitment with a view of lessen turnover intention.
KEY-WORDStransformational leadership style, transactional leadership style, laisses-faire leadership style, job satisfaction, employee commitment, turnover intention.
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