
Performance Level of Debate in the English Language Proficiency Module of Students
1Dr. Leovigildo Lito D. Mallillin, 2Ms. Cherubim S. Gilbang
1Faculty of Business and Management Studies Gulf College Sultanate of Oman
2Centre of Foundation Studies Gulf College Sultanate of Oman,
Corresponding Author : Dr. Leovigildo Lito D. Mallillin
Faculty of Business and Management Studies Gulf College Sultanate of Oman
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Debate is one of the components of the English Language Proficiency of the modules of students in developing their skills in speaking.The study examines the performance level of debate in the English Language Proficiency (ELP) module level of students. The study employs the quantitative methods of research as this design answers the data in analysing the study on the level of debate and performance of the students in their English Language Proficiency module. The subjects of the study are the students of Gulf College in the Sultanate of Oman who are officially registered in the English Language Proficiency, Level 3 Block 2 for the academic year 2019-2020. One hundred sixty (160) is utilized in the study. All respondents are utilized as samples in the study. Results show that communication skills and evidence of information of the students are poor in which the performance level in debate of students are low, however; the area of language proficiency, critical thinking, and teamwork reveal good in which the performance level in debate of students are moderate.


English Language Proficiency, Performance Level of Debate, Communication Skills, Language Proficiency, Critical Thinking, Evidence of Information, and Teamwork.


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