
Psychological Determinations of Intention to Save Money: The Influence of Attitudes, Subjective Norms, and Perceived Behavioral Control.
1Ismail Mohamed said,2Dr. Ahmad Martadha Mohamed,
1Graduate Student, School of Government College of Law, Government and International Studies University Utara Malaysia
2,School of Government, College of Law, Government and International Studies UniversityUtara Malaysia
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The financial management of individuals varies around the world. With rapid economic growth there is an alarming increase in the value of products and services that challenge people who have poor financial management. As a result, it requires individuals to manage their financial resources through appropriate saving behaviour. This paper, therefore, attempts to investigate behavioural factors that influence individuals’ intention to save money. Using extended theory of planned behaviour, three predicting variables were constructed that include attitudes, subjective savings norm, and perceived behavioural control. The study hypothesized that attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control had a positive relationship with intention to save money. Using a questionnaire survey distributed randomly to 2500 respondents, of which 1192 had completed the questionnaires, the hypotheses were tested using correlation and linear regression analysis. The findings indicate that all three predicting variables have a positive and significant relationship with intention to save money. Specifically, perceived behavioural control is the strongest predictor to engage in savingbehaviour. Future studies should try to examine psychosocial factor such as culture that may also have some effect on intention to save money.


Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), Attitude towards Saving, Malaysia.


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